Tagget med artificial intelligence
Lærerens bruk av KI, knyttet til hovedprinsippene for vurdering for læring
KI kan brukes i vurderingsarbeidet på skolen. Hva har man lov til? Kan lærere bruke KI for å vurdere og støtte elevene, samt få innsikt i elevenes læring? Målet med seminaret er å belyse og diskutere hvordan både lærere og elever kan bruke KI som en del av underveisvurdering. De tre webinarene fokuserer på hver sitt område av KI i...
KI i skolen, det overordna bildet og hva må vi være bevisste på
Hvordan kan skolen bruke KI som en del av lærernes digitale kompetanse? Webinaret vil belyse muligheter, utfordringer samt hva styringsdokumentene sier. Målet med seminaret er å belyse og diskutere hvordan både lærere og elever kan bruke KI som en del av underveisvurdering. De tre webinarene fokuserer på hver sitt område av KI i...
The Intelligent Health conference 2024
At the Intelligent Health conference 2024 you will hear about the latest advancements, get insights, and be a part of discussions focused on AI in healthcare. Together we will explore how AI can be used for the development and enhancement of personalized health services AI can be utilised in prevention and treatment of different diseases we...
Artificial Intelligence in Education: Big Data, Black Boxes, and Technological Solutionism
Presentation of the article by Xavier Giró Gràcia and Juana M. Sancho-Gil , published in Seminar.net Vol. 17, No. 2 (2021). Read online: Artificial Intelligence in Education: Big Data, Black Boxes, and Technological Solutionism
Introducing: Nordic Center for Sustainable and Trustworthy AI (NordSTAR)
Anis Yazidi and Pedro Lind are the leaders of NordSTAR, and in this video they introduce the center and talk about their goals and what they will do.
Security, safety and reliability in NordSTAR
Ahmed Elmokashfi leads the research area of security, safety and reliability in NordSTAR, and explains the area in this video.
Understandable and explainable models in NordSTAR
Hugo Lewi Hammer leads the research area of understandable and explainable models in NordSTAR, and in this video he explains the research area.
Humain factors in AI, NordSTAR
Elena Parmiggiani leads NordSTARs research area for human factors in AI, and in this video she talks about that research area.
Biologically-inspired computational systems in NordSTAR
Stefano Nichele leads the research area for biologically-inspired computational systems in NordSTAR, and in this video he explains that research area.
Quantum AI in NordSTAR
Sergiy Denysov leads the research area of Quantum AI in NordSTAR, and in this video he explains that research area.
Presenting: Nordic Center for Sustainable and Trustworthy AI (NordSTAR)
The Nordic Center for Sustainable and Trustworthy AI (NordSTAR) is presented in this video, by the leaders of the center, Anis Yazidi and Pedro Lind from OsloMet AI Lab, and the leaders of each research area within the center. Ahmed Elmokashfi from SimulaMet on his research area: security, safety and reliability. Hugo Lewi Hammer from SimulaMet...